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Aspor Export

Aspor Export extends your OData query capabilities with exporting the results directly into different list based file formats. You can use all available OData functionalities such as $filter, $select and $expand. The export processor will understand your query and write result into the request format.

Aspor export supports for default the following formats:

  • CSV (.csv)
  • Excel (.xlsx)


Aspor Export is available in the Aspor.Export NuGet package and can be installed via the command line or the packet manager in VisualStudio.

Install-Package Aspor.Export


The export capabilities in your OData api can be unlocked by simply adding AddAsporExport() to your MVC builder.


OData query usage

The usage directly in the OData query is relatively simple, adding ?export=csv to your query will return the result in the specified file format.

It is also possible to use $select or $expand to define the exact result columns.

http://localhost/v1/projects?$select=id,name,public&export=excel This request will return the following result in Excel.

Example result

Custom format

Aspor export allows you to implement every list based file format easily. The export processor will write in fields and inform as soon a new line should be created.

As example, you can use the CsvExportFormatWriter or ExcelExportFormatWriter format writer.

public class CustomExportFormatWriter : IExportFormatWriter

public CustomExportFormatWriter()
//Initzialize the writer

public string GetDefaultEnding()
//The ending of your file formatt (e.g. .csv or .xlsx)

public void WriteField(object? value)
//Write a new field to your format

public void NextLine()
//Move to the next line

public byte[] ToByteArray()
//Reutrn the result in a byte array

To use your custom writer class with ?export=custom, you have to register it in the static ExportFormatRegistry with a name, and your writer class.

ExportFormatRegistry.RegisterFormat("custom", typeof(CustomExportFormatWriter))